Page 35 - Exotic | March 2025
P. 35

                  bartender is something worth hanging out for. It’s kind of like watching a “fairly-odd-couple-but-not-actually-a-couple” hang out, make drinks and pizza, and shit-talk each other sometimes. Go for the whiskey, and eat a piece of (or the whole) pizza while you’re there.
All right, so I have given you guys a good start to some very un- derrated food places here in Portland. Pinky’s isn’t really under- rated, but it’s also the only pizza place I felt like mentioning be- cause it offers a whole experience. Dinner, whiskey, and some- times a show behind the bar...or trivia, one of those nights I always forget about. They could all use your business and are worth the bus ride or drive over. Especially that chimney cake place. Seriously, I can’t get enough of it. Make note that you may be waiting around for the products here to be made, but quality should never be rushed.
Some honorable mentions that no longer exist but would have if things had turned out differently: Big-Ass Sandwiches, Reo’s Ribs, Jim & Patty’s, Foster Burger, and American Dream Pizza. Listing more would just be sad. Either way, visit the places I’ve listed above so that they don’t become “dead memories.” ( media, old folks...)
Side note: if you just type in “Taste Tickler” without also adding “Portland” to a search, you will get a completely different set of search results...
Hannah One Cup can be found chimney cakes, or at least ordering two, and lying to herself about probably only eating one. That’s just after she finished wiping the hot dog sauce from her face and slurping down her whiskey. You can find her at one of these places at least once a week. So come visit, get an autograph, and eat some food that you aren’t getting enough of. Bon appétit Portland foodie twerps. Go get some good food, and stop acting like the building needs to be in a hip neighborhood to visit. The best gems are always hidden.
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