Page 18 - Exotic | September 2024
P. 18

As summer winds down and fall approach- es, anyone who’s been part of our local in- dustry for even a short time knows what’s around the corner. That magical time of year when the industry's top performers grace us with their immense talent and show us how truly special our industry and its many art forms really are!
We are incredibly excited to announce Miss Exotic Oregon 2025 this year—now with the largest cash prize in the pageant’s history, but before we get into the specif- ics, I’d like to spend some time reminiscing about how we got here. In the not-so-dis- tant past, we here at Exotic embraced the mayhem of bringing three major events to the industry each and every year. Perhaps few will remember the name of all three— two are easy, but one has been retired for over five years. Yes, it’s really been over five years since the last Ink ‘n’ Pink competition, which is really hard to believe.
It might surprise many to learn that Miss Exotic Oregon is not Exotic’s oldest compe- tition—Ink ‘n’ Pink actually is, and it’s not even close. The very first Ink ‘n’ Pink com- petition happened in the fall of 2000, and there was actually live tattooing that took place during the competition. It was quite the spectacle indeed, and even though Ex- otic itself had barely turned seven, we still threw a party that even Hef would have approved of (and even if he wouldn't, we know Charlie Sheen would)!
Fast forward a decade, and Exotic would announce its next reoccurring, main- stream event. Any guesses? Miss Exotic, you say? Well, you'd be wrong. Polerotica was announced in January 2010, and the competition has been held annually ever since (except, of course, 2020 and 2021, which 'rona so cruelly robbed from us...). And that brings us to what’s “technically” Exotic’s youngest competition—Miss Ex- otic Oregon. Wait...what? Don't all the Miss Exotic promotional ads say, "The industry's largest and longest-running pageant?" They do, and please let me explain before all the "Liar!" rants begin...
The format and structure of the Miss Exotic
Oregon pageant you know today was ac- tually first created and operated in 2009 under a different but very similar name. The details of its demise are quite juicy, but we will—as they say—let dead dogs lie. The point is, while it may boil down to semantics, Miss Exotic Oregon’s format and structure make it technically the industry’s longest-running pageant, albeit the law- yers forced us to reformat the name. Why is all this important? Read on, me laddies.
Miss Exotic was created for one purpose: to showcase the wide-ranging talent, skills, and creativity of exotic entertain- ers in the Pacific Northwest, especially to those who are not consistently visiting industry establishments and may have skewed views of what our industry repre- sents. Being reborn through the scenario described above, it was created with the utmost integrity in give all con- testants a completely level playing field and an entirely equitable chance to win or place. Such integrity cannot exist when a competition or pageant is owned and op- erated by a gentlemen’s club, and history has proven that. It takes a third-party op- erator with no vested interest in the out- come. Period.
Have we made some mistakes over the years? Yes, we have. And with every mis- take that was made, I've personally taken the challenge to improve the pageant and ensure that it was never repeated. As with all things in life, there's a learning curve, and it's not a perfect process, but it's how you respond to the challenges that is key.
As promised, let’s discuss some of the spe- cifics of the contest. Only the elite of the top entertainers who join move on to the Finals of Miss Exotic. How do they qualify, you may ask? Well, let's break it down... it's dependent on their ranking in the fol- lowing categories: Theme, Stage Presence & Interaction, Body/Figure, Grace, Agility & Skill, Outfit/Costume, Originality, Beauty, and Class/Style.
The final component of their overall rank- ing and a chance to compete in the Finals is customer votes. They need your support through your attendance, voting, and, of course, tipping! We hope that everyone will come and celebrate the wide range of diversity and talent that makes our indus- try thrive, as it’s showcased throughout October and November. Please visit page 24 for all the dates and locations, and let’s make this year’s pageant a memorable one! See you at Kit Kat Club on Friday, Oc- tober 4, to kick it all off!
Summer may be coming to an end, but industry events are still in full swing. It's going to be a busy month, so fasten your seatbelt and book your rideshare!
[“Birthday Song” by 2 Chainz plays unex- pectedly...] When I die, bury me inside the strip club (no, really, that's in my fu- neral directive, so it has to be followed). But enough about me, it’s all about this month’s birthday girls! It all kicks off on Friday, September 6, at Guilty Pleasures
for Karisma’s Pink Birthday Party! A few weeks later, on Friday, September 20, it’s Nellie’s Birthday Bash, right back at Guilty Pleasures. (We love you, Nellie!!) I would suggest asking to spend the night be- cause Mochie’s Birthday Party is the very next night, on Saturday, September 21, at—you guessed it—Guilty Pleasures! We hear Mac can be bribed quite easily with Boston creams from Heavenly Donuts, so that’s your in. And while you're in the giving mood, make sure to buy all these lovely ladies a birthday shot! Happy Birth- day from Exotic!
And while we’re on birthdays, we’d like to congratulate DJ Dick Hennessy and Boom
Brodie Grody & Axel performing their iconic Mask set at Miss Exotic Oregon 2019

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