Page 41 - Exotic | March 2025
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the rules. People love to talk about money in this context. They seem to think bouncers are making minimum wage for some reason. My age seems to come up a lot more lately as well. 40-year-old bouncer, they love to say, as though se- curity work is only a valid profession through your thirties. People like that fail to understand something both Dalton and Aristotle clearly understood. There’s no point in letting a petulant toddler of a customer bait you with words.
“Character may also be called the most effective means of persuasion.” Not everything needs to escalate to the point of physical altercation. Anyone who knows me well knows I’m a big proponent of de-escalation. What is de-escalation, really, but an exercise in persuasion? Rather than letting someone goad you into conflict, try putting that winning personality of yours to good use and de-escalate!
“The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances.” I’ve certainly made my share of mistakes along the way. Haven’t you? Don’t lie. Mistakes are how we learn and grow. Own your mistakes, do what you can to make things right, look for the lessons to be learned, and earnestly try to do it better next time. That’s not just how to become a better bouncer, it’s how to become a better person.
Well, that’s a wrap on Aristotle, so consider that pesky brain itch of mine scratched! If you’re enjoying this philosophy series and you’re just not ready for it to end, take heart, my friend. I think I’m going to keep it going every now and again, moving into the realm of more modern philosophers like Locke, Hobbes, Bentham, Kant, Nietzsche, and Camus. Until then, keep on using that brain of yours. Lord knows we need it now more than ever!
Nate Hazen is a bouncer, writer, and occasional student of phi- losophy. Come to X Exotic Lounge and Dixie Tavern to talk to him about your favorite philosopher. Also, check out his strip club stand-up comedy night at X Exotic Lounge on the first Wednesday of every month.
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