Page 23 - Exotic | May 2024
P. 23

                  hard time describing. Asking if you can buy them a drink is great. I love when people ask if they can buy me a drink. If you’re turned down, don’t make it weird, bud. Just accept it, move along like it didn’t happen, and do not ask again.
6) If you are speaking to someone and they start turning their head and attention towards another direction or per- son, they probably don’t want to continue your conversa- tion. That isn’t true in all instances, but to be on the im- proved social etiquette side of things, don’t try continuing to talk to them. At that point, you’re talking at them and trying to force a conversation they don’t want to have. It makes you look creepy again. Which is not what you want to go for. Also, no hands. Do not put your hand on their shoulder, and try turning them around. It’s so off-putting and repulsive it almost makes me want to throw a glass of liquid in someone’s face when it happens.
7) If you are on the receiving end of 5 and 6, do not feel bad about turning them down. You aren’t doing any- thing wrong, and politely stating your “No, but thanks” will hopefully sway them in the correct direction and help them understand that they might be making you feel un- comfortable. You owe them nothing, I repeat, you owe them nothing. They should feel honored to have had you even acknowledge them when they said hello (see end paragraph*).
8) If you are with someone, and another individual is try- ing to get your attention, but you are feeling awkward, do not be afraid or embarrassed to let the person you are with verbally know. If they aren’t getting the hint, make eyes with the bartender and then tell the person talking at you, “I’m trying to hang out with these people,” or “I’m just trying to sit in peace for a bit.”That way, the bartender also openly heard your statement and can keep a tab on the weirdo making unwanted advances. Again, this works for both men and women. Bartenders and industry folks, I can’t say it enough, they want to have your back. They like good groups of people and good customers and want you to feel safe. They might be like me and not like most people, but they want you returning and don’t appreciate weirdos breathing down their backs.
* When I say this, I full-heartedly mean it. Everyone’s breath and time are worth a dollar amount, and the dollar amount you set for yourself will be what determines the quality of people in your life. You might not be a millionaire boat owner with two pet cows, and your friends might all be warehouse workers or school lunch ladies with a secret flask of Malört in their bosom, but that isn’t the point. The point is the quality of these people and how they interact with you tells you and those people how much you are worth to them. And it better be the whole damn world.
Hannah One Cup can be found on soc meds...on Facebook by her name, and Tik-Tok @thursdaynight_depression.
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