all made of meat, even the not-so-meaty among us.
We like to pretend we are something more than meat, yet
when we die, only the meat remains.
because they are congenitally insane, are the most fervid
propagandists of the idea that we possess something beyond
mere flesh, blood, bone, and the occasional waste product.
Women, especially when they get older and their meat starts
to sag, invariably lose their minds and indulge psychotic
delusions such as the notion that we all have a "soul."
And since they clutch their aging chicken claws onto this
notion with bloody desperation, they are the first to shriek
when someone alleges that they are, in the end, meat. In
spite of the fact that there is zero evidence of the soul's
existence, these cackling cunts demand that we squint and
lie about the Empress's New Clothes.
fundamental aspect of female psychology is an eternal hypocrisy
and the concomitant inability to ever acknowledge it. Therefore,
the same bloated hens who picket outside clubs where females
with desirable bodies flash some tits 'n' snatch are also
the same hens who manically stuff five-spots in the speedos
of Chippendale's dancers when hubby's out of town.
what the feminist though police would have you believe,
it's a fact that women objectify men. If anything, they
are more brutal and cynical in their estimations than men
could ever be.
in point: A website (http://www.metal-sludge.com/LongShort.htm)
in which rock stars' cocks are reviewed in the manner that
a restaurant critic reviews meals. Groupie-for-life
Donna Anderson pools her own experiences along with the
gossip of her groupie friends, concocting an often-hilarious
list of 180 rockers and their cocks. With ball-shriveling
candor, Anderson 'n' pals present a staggering array of
rock-cock, from toothpick-sized to the length and girth
of a mud shark.
ensconced within the Stud Stable are bitch-slapping ex-Crue
drummer Tommy Lee (of course), Phil Anselmo from Pantera
and his "MONSTER power tool," Evan Seinfeld from Biohazard,
Tracii Guns from LA Guns, Yogi from Buckcherry, and (surprisingly),
little blond fem-doll singer Robin Zander from Cheap Trick,
whose girlish features and gooberish voice would ordinarily
indicate a peanut-sized penis. Each of these gents is rumored
to possess a hog measuring ten inches or more.
more fun to read are the catty descriptions of petite-penised
prima donnas such as Twiggy Ramirez from Marilyn Manson
("he has a small dick and it's frequently limp due to excessive
cocaine use"); James Lorenzo from Pride & Glory ("about
the size of a pinkie finger"); Stefan Adika from Dad's Porno
Mag ("hung like a baby and is a quick shoooter"); Slik Toxik's
Rob Bruce ("small cock, plus he only has ONE BALL! He lost
his other ball in an accident."); Dokken's Mick Brown ("maybe
3 inches if you pull on it"); onetime Van Halen singer Gary
Cherone ("so small if somebody saw you sucking his dick
it would look like you were smoking a joint!"); Jack Russell
from Great White ("Mushroom CAP & that's it, ONCE BITTEN
and it never grew back!"); Tommy Thayer from Black-n-Blue
("so small crabs could use it as a flagpole"); Marq Torien
from BulletBoys ("so small he probably pisses on his balls");
Glenn Danzig ("his cock is just like him, short"); and Quiet
Riot's Carlos Cavazo ("Not only a very sloppy and boring
lay, but he is very, very, very small. There is no riot
going on in his pants.")
girls are don't hesitate to let us know about the guy in
Papa Roach who has bad breath; the chap in House of Lords
whose back is so hairy, it "looks like he's wearing a sweater!";
the singer from Everclear whose crotch "smells very dirty";
the member of Medicine Wheel who has "hair growing out the
side of his shaft"; the Marilyn Manson underling who digs
licking asses, tasting his own cum, and "is into the whole
'pour wax on my dick' thing"; the allegation that David
Lee Roth employs his lady friends to give him enemas; and
which members of Slaughter, Saigon Kick, and Flotsam &
Jetsam enjoy having items rammed up their ass.
not only does size matter, it's ALL that matters to these
broads. To these starfucking, cock-hungry mucus pits, the
measure of a man LITERALLY becomes the measure of his manhood.
There is a comical equation of penis size with human worth.
When a rocker is revealed to have a large schlong, these
girls tend to forgive any shortcomings of character. But
when his pathetic underendowment is brought to light, no
measure of his good deeds or community-service hours can
atone for the fact that everyone laughs disdainfully at
his biological misfortune. All in all, this is very refreshing.
wonder how I'd rate on this chart? I've noticed that my
paramours' estimation of my love-hog's length varies wildly
depending on how well we're getting along. When a girl is
in love with me, my penis hovers somewhere around eight
inches. When I dump her, it shrinks to a paltry four inches.
don't mind being objectified. The fact that I have a body
is far less dangerous than the idea that I have a soul.
