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xmag.com : June 2001 : Darklady

The ancient Romans saw portents in all things. A step outside of the house was rife with messages from the gods, and even the rustling of the leaves or a bird flying overhead had meaning. With this in mind I stood in the cool San Francisco night sheathed in black fishnet, wrapped in white lace and the arms of Black Books (www.blackbooks.com) publisher Bill Brent, while gazing with delight at an unexpected fireworks display. Surely this was a sign of good things to come.

I had flown into San Francisco on May 5th, the 10th anniversary of my legendary car wreck. That evening we birthday-partied with a variety of delightful friends involved with Black Leather Wings and Radical Faeries, including shaman, piercer and father of the modern primitive movement, Fakir Musafar (www.bodyplay.com), BDSM educator and personal trainer, Madame Cleo Dubois (www.cleodubois.com), sex educator and SF GBLT Parade Grand Marshall, Carol Queen (www.carolqueen.com) and her partner, Robert Morgan, as well as an assortment of other wonderful, kinky folk. When it was finally time for me to sleep early in the morning I did so with happy playtime sounds still drifting up from the dungeon activity still going on below.

The next day I emceed the Queen of Heaven Masturbate-a-thon, proceeds to go to the Center for Sexuality and Culture (contact me to find out where to send your pledges for my own hour of hard work) held at the New Meat Theatre (www.newmeat.com). This event was part of the May-long celebration of National Masturbation Month. Bet you didn't even know we had one, did you?

After an overnight with Carol and Robert, it was time for the first three of six delicious nights with, and in service to, my Master, Polymnos. Then back to Bill's for three nights of writing and dream castle building, climaxing with an amazing pansexual Black Sheets party where I witnessed and participated in the most civilized collection of openly sexual behavior that I've had the pleasure to observe (outside of my own parties, of course).

"That evening we birthday-partied with a
variety of delightful friends involved with Black Leather Wings and Radical Faeries, including shaman, piercer and father of the modern
primitive movement, Fakir Musafar."


Then, since this was a whirlwind tour (my specialty), it was another overnight with Carol and Robert that included a lovely hot tubbing experience in the East Bay, delightful BLW companionship, and delicious Thai food. The next day I was returned to my Master for my last few days in the city of sex educators. Tuesday was a lunch with the superb Fetish Diva Midori (www.aphrodisios.com) that included a discussion of D/s (Dominant/submissive) relationships, courtesy within the BDSM Scene and a mutual desire to work together on some classes in Portland--and the enjoyment of gracious company and a delicious meal at Chinatown's Taiwan restaurant. Wednesday was soup and sandwiches with Michael Rosen (www.michaelrosen.com) and the impish Charles Gatewood (www.charlesgatewood.com) while we discussed potential Ashcroft/Bush threats to free speech and artistic freedom, and a July Darklady/Rosen photo shoot team-up. The week ended on a high note with budget-minded but romantic noshing with Dirty Words author, M. Christian (www.mchristian.com). Truly a whirlwind tour of San Francisco's Who's Who!

But best of all? Those auspicious fireworks were right. There are more good things on the horizon for both Darklady and Portland. Plans are in the works for visits from Carol & Robert, M. Christian & Bill Brent in August, Midori in September and Charles in October. Portland is coming alive on the sex-positive map. You can certainly go outdoors and watch the leaves or the birds for more details. Or you can write or email the Darkest of Ladies. The choice is yours.


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