: Febuary 2002: A safe haven for jerkoffs |

pass them daily. You pass them hundreds of times. On
your way to work. On your way to the bar. The private
"viewing booths" in the rear of adult book stores. What
a wonderful idea--a closet-sized booth where you can pay
a quarter a minute to masturbate while viewing pornographic
films. Men file into the booths like horny lab rats. They
wander around in three-piece suits and dirty Camel shirts.
Around and around they wander. Desperately... hornily...they
wander. Waiting for the booths to open. No eye contact
with one another. Not a word. The only sound is the squealing
of the ripe young blonde being stuck like the pig she
is. Behind the doors, you can hear the grunts and the
moaning. You can hear the slapping of skin from every
I approach my booth like
Babe Ruth walking up to home plate.
Pornography is the perfect
mistress. She is the only mistress that never sleeps.
Who is never on the rag or suffering from PMS. The only
whore who will keep her fat pie-hole shut. She's always
willing and always ready. The viewing booths in adult
bookstores are like a harem of different holes into which
we can plug our fat, veiny dingitty-dongs. It's perfectamundo,
hombre. Pornography welcomes all, from midgets to the
obese. Jealousy plays no role. At the push of a button,
you can mentally fuck more than a hundred holes in a minute.
In your mind--your sick mind, to be sure--they all want
you. They all want you to coldly mount them and spew your
thick, stringy seed all over them. They don't want you
to take them out for coffee. They don't want to buy you
flowers. They only want your cock. The best part is when
you open the door and walk away, assured she won't chase
you out the door, begging to be cuddled some more. And
she'll be waiting for your return.
So now it's up to you.
Where can the earnest P-Town porn-hound find a pristine
wonderland of carnal self-abuse?
I sampled the wares of
three adult stores, yet I only found one good enough to
bless with my precious seed. Although there are shitloads
of adult bookstores in Portland, I chose only ones that
seemed intimidating.
I set some goals for myself:
* I'd spend at least $4
in each jerkoff booth;
* I'd review each establishment
from the perspective of sanitation and hygiene;
* I'd sternly judge the
character of each porn clerk;
* I'd give the reader an
idea of what sort of porno films to expect at each emporium;
* I'd determine the quality
of snacks and beverages available for the hungry-and-thirsty
masturbator's enjoyment.
So sit back, grab the lube,
and allow me to ejaculate the truth about porn-store viewing
SW 3rd)
The faggiest place to jack
off ever! In fact, this place is so fuckin' gay that it
sports glory holes, primitive three-inch holes drilled
between the booths so some faceless stranger can stick
his pecker in there to have it sucked...or perhaps even
lovingly caressed, snuggled, and rubbed along the cheeks...of
some down-on-his-knees homo boy. This was a terrible place
to masturbate! It provided no treats or beverages for
me to enjoy while I abused my body. The movie selection
was mainly fag porn, which doesn't turn me on, I swear.
I would be more comfortable burning crosses in front of
Popeye's Chicken than jackin' off here. Stay clear of
this place, bro! It's a one-way ticket to Homoville.
W Burnside)
All right. This is supposed
to be the adult "superstore," but to me, it's more like
the Fred Meyer of masturbation. It does have probably
have the best selection of videos, magazines, dildos
(not that I tried any!), pecker pumps, and a simply
wonderful array of butt plugs. It also boasts a superb
vending machine full of sugary 'n' salty snacks to replenish
your metabolism after it's been ravaged by the rigors
of masturbation and ejaculation.
But it's too fuckin'
clean. It's like being in an old Jewish lady's house.
It's very sanitary, and the booths are cleaned regularly.
What's up with that? The restroom is clean enough to
eat an omelette off the floor. And on top of that, the
clerk is WAY too friendly. He felt obliged to ask if
I had any questions about Fantasy Video. He had the
same helpful attitude you'd find with employees at The
Gap or Old Navy. Too clean, too friendly. I want to
feel like I'm being bad or I'm really not supposed to
be there. I want that good old-fashioned guilt that
I got from my Mormon mother when she caught me jackin'
off as a lad. It shouldn't be a wholesome experience;
you just miss out on the excitement that way. Also--the
videos are all pretty much the same. Attractive young
lads and lasses pumping away and having a really fun
time. Aryan menfolk and Aryan womanfolk having missionary-style
sex. Boring!
& W Burnside)
Now, this is the place
to paint the booth! First off, when I walked in and
wandered toward the booths, a bearded, crazy-eyed wild
man yelled, "HEY! If you wanna go to the booths, you
gotta get tokens!" It startled me, but it also excited
me. I got about four dollars in tokens and started reading
that night's selections. Nothing but WEIRD PORNO! Midgets,
interracial, anal, fat broads, 1,001 cum shots (#361
is the best). It had it all. After slaloming around
uncomfortable trucker-lookin' fellas, I locked myself
in the cubicle. The booth was dirty and moldy. It smelled
like a month-old baloney sandwich. The floor was sticky,
and the walls were plastered with graffiti, the best
of which was "I love jackin' off." Now, that's the spirit!
I flip in my tokens and the ancient TV comes alive.
The first video is some hardcore anal. The next is a
couple of fags dressed like Army soldiers blowing each
other. The third was the one I used down the home stretch.
A petite Asian chick was having her cunt pummeled as
if it was a punching bag by an Asian dude's cock. She
seemed to me as if she really wasn't into it. She looked
as if she was in pain. I liked it. The entire time,
another chick was on the bed, wearing Geisha makeup
and watching the proceedings. It was surreal. It was
a great porno. I happily "boxed my clown" to the image
of an unhappy Asian. Maybe this was revenge for Pearl
Harbor. Maybe it was the idea of a submissive broad.
Maybe I'm a full-blown bigot. Anyhoo, for all you run-of-the-mill
jerkoffs, this is the primo place to jack off. I recommend
it without reservation. Sure, it might not have Fantasy
Video's microbe-free environment, nor Fantasy's splendiferous
snack bar, but it's filthy, raw, and guilt-ridden. Everything
jackin' off should be.

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