Well, this month I am going to focus on software for the net. Not what to get, but where to get it. There are sites all over the net for software, no matter what your platform. In this column I will concentrate on the two major platforms, Mac and Windows, but there are links for users of almost every platform here..
Windows95.com (http://www.windows95.com/)
This is the best site for software for Windows 95. It’s well maintained and has updates daily. If you use Windows 95, this site is a must-have in your bookmarks list. Not only does it cover the best and newest of Internet software, but it has all sorts of other programs and gadgets for Windows 95 (As well as NT, to some extent.).Cult of the Macintosh (http://cult-of-mac.utu.fi/)
Cult of the Mac is the premier Mac site on the planet. Great design, both in page layout and in graphic design. This one has everything you would ever want for the Mac. Lots of information, software, and links to sites all over the globe. The site uses frames, so you will want Netscape 2.02 or 3.0.WWW.Shareware.Com (http://www.shareware.com/)
The original index used to be known as the Shase Virtual Shareware Library. It was taken over by Cnet (which has a computer show on the Science Fiction Network) and given a facelift. It has indexes for software for Windows (3.1, 95, and NT), Mac, Unix, Amiga, Atari, OS/2, and more. They currently index over 100 FTP archives. One of the most useful sites on the net.The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software (http://www.tucows.com/)
Another Windows site. This one covers all varieties of Windows and concentrates on Internet software. It has mirror sites all over the world, so select one that has some speed. (It says to select one that is close. Try one with a time difference, where people are asleep. The Washington site is quite slow.)Stroud’s Consummate Winsock Apps List (http://www.cwsapps.com/)
This is one of the older indexes of Internet software on the net. It has lots of mirror sites, but is Windows only. Worth a look once in a while.Walnut Creek CD-ROM (http://www.cdrom.com/)
These people have a LARGE archive site. They have mirrored some of the largest software sites in the world, as well as hosting some of their own. They are the busiest software site in the world, so getting in might be a problem. But they are worth the try. You can also get the software on CD-ROM as well. (For some archives, browsing offline is the only way to go.) They also have the largest collection of Doom related software I have ever seem.
Hopefully you have enjoyed this month’s smutless column. (Don’t worry. I have more smut on the way next month.) If there is some fetish you would like to see covered, drop me a line at blackart@alpha.c2.org and it will be delivered too me after being carefully examined and censored by the guardians of the public morals.