: September 2002: Media Stalker |

question, the most exciting media event of the
summer was a rare Portland appearance by a rare
individual: 60s iconoclast and political gadfly,
status-quo annihilator and all-around provocateur,
Paul Krassner.
of course, is the founder and editor of The
Realist (don't
worry, I don't know or give a flying care what
it is, either), goombah of Abbie Hoffman
and Jerry Rubin (they weren't annoying
smacked asses and self-promoting charlatans, were
they?), and editor of Lenny Bruce's autobiography.
that mean? "Let's go with a semicolon here, Len.
Len? Lenny? For the love of God, Lenny, wake
appeared at the "Artichoke" something-or-other
and also in the basement of some church. Each
venue holds twelve
people, and there wasn't
an empty seat in the house.
Portland Alliance's Dave "Overeating for Social
Justice" Mazza occupied four seats himself. There
was an unfortunate incident when a member of WAD
(Women Against Dicks) tripped over the wheelbarrow
Mazza keeps with him at all times in case he comes
across a food co-op.
was provided by Cassidy's, a sinister bohemian
for political dissidents and the radical fringe.
Isn't it interesting that the lovely ladies of
the SLA and that former militant broad who turned
up in Eugene a few years back would all be involved
in chi chi restaurants where "workers"
are so welcome? Why does a flip from pipe bombs
to place settings not surprise this observer of
class, culture, and entitled 60s wackjobs?
learned of Krassner's appearance in the underground
paper The Portland Tribune in a column
penned by sixty-something subversive Phil Stanford.
later shared this highlight: "Counter culture
icon Paul Krassner was struck by that announcement
for arriving passengers at P-town International:
'Please keep forward motion as you exit.'...Contrarian
that he is, Paul tried a couple steps backward.
'But it didn't work,' he says."
Great story. What do you do for
a living?
the media blip preceding seventy-something Krassner's
coming, we also learned that he and Oregon native
son Ken Kesey were "lifelong friends."
think we already knew that. When judging Ken Kesey
and histie-dyed company as thinkers, revolutionaries,
visionaries, whatevers, I'm afraid we have to
take one disturbing fact into consideration: He
thought the Grateful Dead made good music.
to deflate your sacred cows, but the only worthwhile
contribution to the culture to ever come out
of Oregon is The Kingsmen's version of "Louie
Louie." And the studio where they cut it is
now a gay bar. There's metaphorical gold in
them thar hills.
I'll second Willamette Week's motion
that Sleater-Kinney is "the greatest Portland
band EVER!" Prim, painfully arty, humorless,
of interest to an elitist few (who happen to
own the "alternative press")--perfect.
same handful of droppable names--don't white
intellectuals ever want to just scream?
The Portland Tribune pushing a decrepit
Krassner due only to the bent of its likeminded
(and like-aged) staff while their "new" paper
puts the city to sleep and loses a reported
ten million dollars a year.
a recent documentary on Lenny Bruce, no less
a social outcast
and emissary from the dark underbelly of life
than Hugh Hefner said, "He told the truth, so
they killed him." If so, "they" weren't exactly
The Man. Professional
anti-authoritarian Lenny Bruce was a police
Media Stalker's opposed to two or more likeminded
persons banding together for any reason.
this: when the yupped-out Portland Tribune
holds a pep rally, its owner, a filthy-rich
industrialist heir and ordained minister, hands
out hundred dollar bills to his earnest little
reporters and boho-chic "counterculture" devotees.
you, Reverend. I'll use this for some Bukowski
and Rimbaud.
Henry said to Bugs, "For heaven's sake."

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