Letters 4.07

Hello Darklady!
My name is Eric Phillips and I happened upon your columns while surfing around on the back of a web spider. To paraphrase a certain cereal-eating tiger, they're great!
Ok, stop blushing, you knew that already. But let me extrapolate. What I like about the columns is that you share so much of your personality and you don't hold back when letting evildoers have what they deserve. Censors and fucking right-wingers need some slapping around...I'm glad to see someone doing it.
Do you know what really endeared you to me? Hearing you describe yourself as an atheist. It is so rare in this (oh so free) society for ANYone to admit that, much less say it loud and proud. There have to be more than two of us out there, don't you think?
...Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for "Tales of the Darklady"...looking forward to more.
–Eric via e-mail

Dear Exotic,
just wanted to say thanks for the mag. it has given me a lot of entertainment. it's informative and fun at the same time, not always an easy thing to do. keep it up. one request that i have is to see more of jimmy doyle's column. if jimmy doyle corresponds with others to get ideas or share info, i would be extremely interested. thanks a lot.
–a2cyclekenetic via e-mail

Awesome article on boots. It's nice to know that there are others that feel the same.
–sendly via e-mail

Dear Exotic,
Good article - I'm going to link to your page. I've just published a site exposing Alberta video lottery terminals: http://www.telusplanet.net/public/gibson/vlt.htm.
–Mark via e-mail

Hi Theresa,
I am looking at your recent issue and noticing how many bad photographs there are. Or, I should say, photos that could be much better. An investment in better photography could enhance the look of the publication. Which leads me to my idea: you announce a new service to your advertisers: higher quality professional photography at $60 an hour. Your boss then pays me $45 an hour, thereby making a few pennies and making his advertisers happy, too. Nothing more fun for me than photographing women.
I sometimes find myself refusing to read some of your stories with the distracting tint screens. They're just too hard to read. I realize you've got some graphic artist-type there so into his art that he forgets that type should be easy to read.
God damn. I just read that you're printing 30,000 copies. Will Lon Mabon put this in his file of "bad" journalists? I've dumped on him enough that I am sure he remembers my columns. Same with ex-congressman Denny Smith, etc., etc. I'll just change my name, move, have a sex change operation...whatever it takes.
–Sid via U.S. mail

(All letters and e-mail received by Exotic Magazine will be considered for publication. If you do not want your letter considered, please let us know.)

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