Suzu Misaki
sits nervously at her desk, her big brown eyes cast
slightly down, flanked by chalkboards on either side.
Dressed in a prim, plain school uniform, she's waiting
for her teacher, hoping she won't be punished for
not turning in her homework.
door opens slowly. The teacher, paddleboard in hand,
enters the classroom. He frowns disapprovingly at
his student, then closes and locks the door behind
him. Suzu knows she is going to be punished.
the teacher commands. 
the paddle, fighting back tears, Suzu nonetheless
does as she is told.
"Bend over,"
the teacher orders, crossing the room to stand behind
his pupil. "And pull your skirt up."
Her face
flushes crimson with shame and humiliation. She
bends at the waist, reaches her hands behind her
and pulls up her skirt. She flinches when the tip
of the paddleboard pokes against her white cotton
"Push them
down," the teacher instructs.
Not wanting
to bare her bottom, wishing she could somehow disappear,
Suzu hesitates. Suddenly, without warning, the paddleboard
hits the floor with a bang. Suzu is pinned against
her desk. A hand tugs at her underpants, jerking
them down. She tries to struggle, but it's futile.
Her underpants are ripped off. Her legs are forced
apart. Fingers search lewdly for her vagina...
It looks
exactly like a classroom, and brown-eyed, baby-faced
Suzu Misaki looks just like a real Japanese schoolgirl.
But looks can be deceiving. This is the scene at
an "image club," one of hundreds in Tokyo and Nagano
where men and women pay $150 to $1000 an hour to
live out their sexual fantasies.
"The men
and women who come in here are looking for ways
to gratify their lewd and lascivious desires," says
Suzu, a 20-year-old prostitute.
And they
find them. At the club in which Suzu works, customers
can choose from 11 "actresses," as the prostitutes
prefer to be called, working 11 rooms. These include
classrooms, a nurse's office, a receptionist's foyer,
a principal's office, and an imitation railroad
car where, to the recorded roar of a commuter train,
passengers can "molest" straphangers in school uniforms--black
or plaid kneelength skirts, white blouses, and white
mid-calf boots.
"I average
six hundred dollars a week," boasts Yuki Shinohara,
20, "just by letting foreign businesswomen reach
under my skirt and fondle my panties." At 4'11 and
95 pounds, Shinohara is a favorite among straphanger
molesters. "They are especially turned on when they
learn that I shave my pubic hair," she says. "Some
of them get so turned on that they stick their fingers
in my pussy."
Among image
club actresses, the shaving or trimming and
of pubic hair is standard operating procedure.
"The less
pubic hair we have, the younger we can appear to
be," explains Misaki.
aside, the image clubs represent a growing obsession
with uniform-wearing females as sexual objects.
Far more than in other countries, men and women
in Japan seem to find females in uniform sexually
alluring. And, according to many experts, the target
age is getting steadily younger.
"One image
club's most popular draw is a 21-year-old straphanger
actress who looks all of ten," says Rika Kayarna,
a female psychiatrist and social commentator.
to Dr. Kayama and her colleague, Masao Miyamoto,
a male psychologist and author of a book on Japanese
society, the sexuality of uniform-wearing schoolgirls
in particular has become an issue in Japan. "An
alarming number of them occasionally prostitute
themselves to raise pocket money," says Miyamoto.
Kayama concurs.
"I've counseled many 13- and 14-year-old girls who
confessed to performing fellatio for as little as
thee dollars," the doctor says, "and each of them
discussed the sex act as if they were talking about
earning money baby-sitting. No shame."
"I don't
really like giving blowjobs," one girl told Dr.
Kayarna. "But for the money, why not? The hardest
part is not gagging when the guy cums in my mouth.
But it's no big thing."
It's a philosophy
shared by most image club actresses.
a guy's dick is not my favorite sex act," says Kyushu
Nagoya, 24, "but it is profitable." A baby-faced
brunette who works the "Principal's Office" at an
image club in Nagano, Kyushu considers herself an
entertainer not a whore. "Like other entertainers,
I provide a service for the general public. The
only difference between me and, say, a magician,"
she says, "is that a magician performs a magic act
for a price and I perform a sex act for a price."
The Principal's
Sitting behind
a desk in what looks, feels and smells like a school
administrator's office, the "Principal," dressed
in a nondescript business suit, thumbs through several
pages of paper as a uniform-wearing honor student,
her head bowed, stands before him.
"You cheated
on this test," the principal states, his eyes on
the papers. "I'm afraid I'll have to expel you."
"But it'll
s-shame my m-mom and dad," the student stutters.
Still not
looking at the schoolgirl, the principal slowly
shakes his head. "You're a disgrace to the honor
roll. You leave me no choice."
the student begs. "I'll... I'll do anything to make
up for it."
the principal replies, slowly lifting his head to
peer at her.
Smiling evilly,
he asks, "And if I said I wanted you to show me
your panties?"
Her cheeks
turn red with embarrassment. She grasps the hem
of her plaid, knee-length skirt and lifts it upward,
over her thighs, revealing the crotch of her pink
panties and a tiny shadow of pubic hair.
be enough," the principal tells her.
He shakes
his head. "Cheating is a serious offense." He gestures
at a chair in front of his desk. "I want to see
your pussy."
Knowing she
has little choice, the honor student sits down and
pulls off her panties. She opens her legs and closes
her eyes, not wanting to see him ogling her most
private part.
"Spread your
pussy lips with your fingers," the principal instructs.
"I want to see the glistening pink of your little
The honor
student spreads her legs a bit wider and does what
is demanded of her.
"Okay, I've
seen enough."
The principal
shakes his head. "Not yet." He motions for her to
join him behind his desk.
With the
schoolgirl at his side, the principal swivels in
his chair to face her. "You have such a luscious
mouth," he says, unzipping his fly to punctuate
his meaning.
Knowing what
is expected of her, the honor student bends at the
waist, lowering her head into his lap. As her lips
slide over the bulbous head of his hard cock, she
feels his hand slide up the back of her thighs to
her bared butt. A finger penetrates her asshole
as her mouth slides down the length of his shaft.
"If the customer
doesn't offer an incentive," Kyushu says, "I don't
swallow his cum."
"Other actresses
will do anything," she states, "but I save my pussy
for my boyfriend."
Many Japanese
claim to be deeply troubled by the growing obsession
with schoolgirls dressed in plain school uniforms.
By international standards, however, "there is remarkably
little domestic disapproval in Japan at what we
call Loli-Com, or the Lolita Complex," says
Dr. Miyamoto.
Despite the
sexual fulfillment inside the image clubs, the appeal
of uniform-wearing schoolgirls, according to most
behavioral scientists, has little to do with sex.
"Like some
of their European counterparts, many Japanese men
feel threatened by confident, knowledgeable businesswomen,"
Dr. Miyamoto states. "But a young, somewhat naive
schoolgirl would not be threatening. It's not so
much sexual as psychological."
in associating with young girls, men (and a growing
number of women) want to behave in an overbearing
way, "to position themselves as superior," Dr. Kayama
elaborates. "For example, a man who patronizes an
image club is not looking for a woman to perform
an intimate act of fellatio," she says. "He's simply
looking for a woman to suck his dick. Similarly,
women who patronize image clubs are not looking
for intimacy but for raw, nasty sex."
Several decades
ago, sexual fantasies centered on "office ladies"
in their twenties. Then the focus became movie starlets
and college women, and a few years ago it shifted
to high school girls, especially cheerleaders. Today,
in Japan and elsewhere, the focus is on naive, uniform-wearing
"Sexual fantasies
have clearly changed," Gerard reports. "A beautiful
movie star is not, for a great many men, as sexually
appealing as a schoolgirl in a prim, plain uniform."
craves the fruit of the forbidden tree," says Hiroyuki
Fukuda, a 30-year-old entrepreneur who plans to
launch a magazine called Anatomical Illustrations
of Young Cheerleaders. "There's an undeniable
thrill to defiling innocence or engaging in 'taboo'
lustful activities--which is the basis of the nun
fantasies harbored by many Catholic men."
Tricia Wertz,
36, a Los Angeles businesswoman who travels to Tokyo
to appease her carnal cravings, agrees. "All of
us have secret desires," says Tricia, who regularly
patronizes the railroad car at Kaori's, one of Tokyo's
more fashionable image clubs. "I get off on fondling,
sometimes masturbating the girls," Tricia confesses.
But I haven't yet worked up the courage to, ah...
to do them orally."
to Dr. Kayama, it's not surprising that Wertz and
other image club patrons are drawn to the straphanger
fetish. "Groping of females on crowded subways is
all but culturally sanctioned in Japan--71% of Japanese
women claimed in a recent poll that they had been
abused in that way--but other sexual crimes against
women are much rarer in Japan than in other industrialized
countries," the social commentator reveals.
Japan is
without a doubt a much safer place for females than
America. "Only about one thirteenth as many rapes
are reported per capita in Japan as in the United
Not surprisingly,
image club owners claim credit for the lack of sex
crimes in their country. "Men and women in Japan
have no reason to perpetrate sexual assaults," says
Yedo Origano, owner of Shikoku's, an image club
in southeast Honshu on Tokyo Bay. "Image clubs give
them a safe, legal way to live out their darkest
desires." More than a few people concur. Citing
the relative safety of Japan's women and the unlimited
earning potential, Tricia Wertz, Michelle Gerard,
and others advocate the establishment of image clubs
in other countries, including the U.S. "I'd rather
people act out their sexual fantasies," Gerard says,
"than attack females."
And, according
to "schoolgirl" Suzu Misaki, "We can give life to
any fantasy."